How to Handle Snake Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty, A Comprehensive Guide

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty – In the realm of League of Legends, Snake Yumi Sin and Kitty form a formidable duo. Mastering their unique abilities and synergy is crucial for victory. This guide will delve into the intricacies of handling Snake Yumi Sin, integrating Kitty into a team, and optimizing their performance through itemization, runes, and strategic gameplay.

From navigating the early game to dominating the late game, we’ll cover everything you need to know to unleash the full potential of this dynamic duo.

Handling Snake Yumi Sin

Snake Yumi Sin is a unique champion in League of Legends, possessing the ability to transform into a snake and move swiftly and stealthily through the jungle. Understanding her unique characteristics and abilities is crucial for controlling and maneuvering her effectively.

Controlling and Maneuvering

  • Venomous Bite:Snake Yumi Sin’s Venomous Bite deals additional damage and slows enemies. Use this ability to harass enemies or finish them off.
  • Camouflage:Snake Yumi Sin can camouflage herself, becoming invisible to enemies. This allows her to ambush enemies or escape danger.
  • Serpent’s Fang:Snake Yumi Sin’s Serpent’s Fang is a powerful dash that deals damage and knocks back enemies. Use this ability to engage enemies, escape, or disrupt their formations.

Maximizing Stealth and Ambush Potential

  • Camouflage:Use Camouflage to sneak up on enemies and ambush them from unexpected angles.
  • Venomous Bite:Venomous Bite can be used to slow enemies, making them easier to ambush.
  • Serpent’s Fang:Serpent’s Fang can be used to knock enemies into a more vulnerable position for an ambush.

Fitting Kitty into a Team

Kitty’s versatility as a healer and support champion makes her a valuable asset to various team compositions. Understanding her strengths and weaknesses is crucial for maximizing her impact.


  • Strong Healing:Kitty’s passive ability, Soul Siphon, grants her substantial healing capabilities, enabling her to sustain her allies throughout extended engagements.
  • Crowd Control:Kitty’s ultimate ability, Astral Blessing, provides her team with a powerful stun and damage reduction, offering valuable crowd control and survivability.
  • Vision Control:Kitty’s second ability, Ward Totem, allows her to place a ward that grants vision and movement speed, aiding in map control and objective securing.


  • Low Mobility:Kitty lacks mobility skills, making her vulnerable to enemy engages and burst damage.
  • Dependent on Mana:Kitty’s abilities consume a significant amount of mana, requiring careful management to maintain her effectiveness.
  • Squishy:Kitty has low base health and armor, making her susceptible to burst damage and assassination attempts.

Integration Strategies, How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

To integrate Kitty effectively into a team, consider the following strategies:

  • Protect Kitty:Assigning a tank or support champion to peel for Kitty is crucial to ensure her survival and maximize her healing output.
  • Mana Management:Kitty should prioritize building mana regeneration items or coordinating with a support champion to manage her mana consumption.
  • Ward Placement:Kitty’s ward totem should be placed strategically to provide vision in key areas, such as jungle entrances, choke points, or objective locations.

Itemization and Runes for Yumi Sin

Optimizing Snake Yumi Sin’s performance requires careful consideration of itemization and rune selection. This guide provides an in-depth analysis of the most effective options to enhance her abilities.

Item Build

The core item build for Snake Yumi Sin revolves around enhancing her damage output and survivability.

  • -*Trinity Force

    Provides essential attack damage, critical strike chance, and movement speed.

  • -*Guinsoo’s Rageblade

    Stacks attack speed and grants on-hit effects, amplifying her damage potential.

  • -*Blade of the Ruined King

    Offers attack damage, life steal, and an active slow to secure kills.

  • -*Death’s Dance

    Grants lifesteal, damage reduction, and a passive that converts damage taken into a bleed effect.

    For expert guidance on handling exotic pets, Los Angeles Mecconline offers comprehensive resources. The site provides detailed instructions on how to safely care for snakes, including feeding, housing, and handling techniques. Whether you’re a seasoned herpetologist or a curious newcomer, this guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to ensure your snake’s well-being.

  • -*Sterak’s Gage

    Provides health, attack damage, and a shield that scales with bonus health.


The optimal rune setup for Snake Yumi Sin emphasizes damage, sustain, and utility.

Rune Effect
Conqueror Grants bonus adaptive damage and true damage based on stacks.
Triumph Provides bonus gold and healing after a takedown.
Legend: Alacrity Increases attack speed based on bonus attack speed.
Last Stand Grants bonus damage when below 60% health.
Bone Plating Reduces incoming damage from physical attacks.
Overgrowth Increases maximum health based on bonus health.

Situational Item Adjustments

Adjustments to the item build may be necessary based on the enemy team composition.

  • -*Against tanky teams

    Consider items like

  • *Lord Dominik’s Regards or
  • *Black Cleaver for armor penetration.
  • -*Against burst-heavy teams

  • *Randuin’s Omen or
  • *Adaptive Helm provide defensive stats to mitigate damage.
  • -*Against healing-heavy teams

  • *Executioner’s Calling or
  • *Mortal Reminder reduce healing effects.

Skill Prioritization and Combos

Yumi Sin’s skill leveling order and effective skill combinations are crucial for maximizing her impact on the battlefield.

Skill Leveling Order:

  • Q- Rushing Shadow: This ability grants mobility and engage potential, making it a priority for early levels.
  • E- Dark Passage: The ability to dash through enemies and slow them down provides significant utility and damage.
  • W- Path of Shadows: While useful for farming, Path of Shadows takes precedence after Q and E for its damage and chase potential.
  • R- Cataclysm: Yumi Sin’s ultimate ability deals massive damage and displaces enemies, making it the final skill to level.

Skill Combinations

Yumi Sin’s skill combinations can vary depending on the situation. Some effective combos include:

  • Q-> E -> W -> R: Engage with Rushing Shadow, dash through enemies with Dark Passage, activate Path of Shadows for damage and mobility, then finish with Cataclysm.
  • E-> Q -> W: Initiating with Dark Passage allows Yumi Sin to slow enemies, followed by Rushing Shadow for engage or escape, and then Path of Shadows for damage and pursuit.
  • W-> Q -> E: This combination focuses on farming and mobility. Activate Path of Shadows, engage with Rushing Shadow, then use Dark Passage to escape or chase.

Early Game Strategies

Yumi Sin’s early game revolves around establishing lane dominance and maximizing farm while maintaining map awareness. Effective warding, ganking, and objective control are crucial for success.

Laning Phase

In the laning phase, Yumi Sin should prioritize farm and experience while maintaining lane control. Warding the river and tri-brush provides vision for potential ganks and allows for aggressive plays. Ganking other lanes can be effective if the opportunity arises, but Yumi Sin’s weak early game makes it essential to assess the risks and benefits carefully.

Objective Control

Early game objective control is vital for Yumi Sin. Securing the Rift Herald or Dragon can provide significant advantages, such as map control, gold, and experience. Coordinating with teammates to secure these objectives can lead to a snowball effect and establish a strong early game lead.

Adapting to Lane Matchups

Yumi Sin’s early game strategy may vary depending on the lane matchup. Against aggressive lanes, a defensive approach with a focus on farm and warding is recommended. Against weaker lanes, Yumi Sin can be more proactive, looking for opportunities to trade or even secure kills.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the matchup is essential for adapting effectively.

Mid Game Transitions: How To Handle His Snake Yumi Sin And Fit Kitty

As Yumi Sin enters the mid game, the focus shifts from individual lane dominance to team coordination and objective control. Here’s how to transition effectively:

In team fights, Yumi Sin excels at initiating with her Ultimate (Demacian Justice) and disrupting enemy formations. Prioritize targeting key enemy carries or supports to secure kills or create chaos. Follow up with basic attacks and abilities to maximize damage output.

Itemization and Runes

Adjust itemization to suit the mid game. Consider items like Youmuu’s Ghostblade for mobility and lethality, or Black Cleaver for armor penetration and additional damage. Runes like Relentless Hunter or Ultimate Hunter can enhance mobility or ultimate availability, crucial for mid-game skirmishes.

Late Game Scaling

In the late game, Yumi Sin transitions into a potent force with immense scaling potential. Her combination of sustained damage, mobility, and utility grants her significant team fight presence and siege capabilities.

One of Yumi Sin’s key strengths is her ability to deal consistent damage throughout the fight. Her Spirit Rush provides her with an extended duration of enhanced attack speed, allowing her to rapidly shred through enemy defenses. Additionally, her Cataclysm grants her a significant area-of-effect damage boost, enabling her to melt down multiple targets simultaneously.

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Itemization and Runes

To maximize Yumi Sin’s late-game impact, it’s crucial to adjust her itemization and rune choices accordingly. Prioritizing items that enhance her sustained damage and survivability becomes paramount. Items like Infinity Edge, Blade of the Ruined King, and Mortal Reminder are excellent choices for amplifying her attack damage and armor penetration.

In terms of runes, the Precision tree remains a solid choice, with Conqueror providing her with additional attack damage and true damage conversion. Triumph and Legend: Alacrity further bolster her damage output and attack speed, while Coup de Grace ensures she can secure kills more efficiently.

Team Fights and Sieges

During team fights, Yumi Sin excels at flanking and disrupting the enemy backline. Utilizing her Spirit Rush, she can quickly engage on vulnerable targets and unleash her devastating Cataclysm. Her Wind Wall can also prove invaluable for blocking crucial enemy abilities and protecting her allies.

In siege situations, Yumi Sin’s ability to rapidly clear waves and structures shines through. Her Spirit Rush allows her to quickly rotate between lanes, taking down turrets and inhibitors with ease. Her Cataclysm can also be used to push waves and secure objectives efficiently.

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Matchups and Counters

Identifying favorable and unfavorable matchups for Yumi Sin is crucial for optimizing performance and increasing win rates. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of Yumi Sin against different enemy champions allows players to tailor their strategies and adjust their playstyles accordingly.

Against champions with strong crowd control abilities, such as Morgana or Ashe, Yumi Sin may struggle to engage and secure kills. In these matchups, it is essential to prioritize vision control and avoid overextending, as getting caught out of position can be detrimental.

Itemization adjustments, such as building Quicksilver Sash or Mikael’s Crucible, can also be beneficial in mitigating the effects of crowd control.

Favorable Matchups

  • Champions with limited mobility, such as Lux or Vel’Koz, can be easy targets for Yumi Sin. Yumi Sin’s high mobility and burst damage allow her to quickly engage, secure a kill, and disengage before the enemy can react.
  • Champions with low crowd control, such as Yasuo or Yone, can also be favorable matchups for Yumi Sin. Yumi Sin’s burst damage and mobility can overwhelm these champions, making it difficult for them to escape or counterattack.

Unfavorable Matchups

  • Champions with strong crowd control, such as Morgana or Ashe, can be difficult matchups for Yumi Sin. Yumi Sin’s reliance on mobility and burst damage can be countered by crowd control abilities, making it challenging to engage and secure kills.

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  • Champions with high mobility, such as LeBlanc or Akali, can also be unfavorable matchups for Yumi Sin. These champions can easily dodge Yumi Sin’s abilities and escape from her burst damage, making it difficult to secure kills or control the lane.

Visual Guide (Optional)

To enhance the understanding of the strategies and techniques discussed, we have compiled a comprehensive series of screenshots and illustrations.

These visuals provide step-by-step demonstrations of key concepts, accompanied by detailed captions and annotations that elucidate the essential points.

Screenshot 1: Early Game Ganking

  • Illustrates the optimal path for a successful early game gank.
  • Shows the positioning of Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty for maximum impact.

Screenshot 2: Mid Game Teamfight

  • Demonstrates the positioning of Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty within a teamfight.
  • Highlights the importance of peeling for Yumi Sin and engaging with Fit Kitty.

Screenshot 3: Late Game Scaling

  • Shows the power of Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty in the late game.
  • Illustrates the synergy between the two champions and their ability to dominate teamfights.

Final Wrap-Up

Whether you’re a seasoned League player or a newcomer, this guide will provide you with the knowledge and strategies to master Snake Yumi Sin and Kitty. Embrace their strengths, mitigate their weaknesses, and conquer the Rift with this comprehensive guide.

Common Queries

What are the key characteristics of Snake Yumi Sin?

Snake Yumi Sin excels in stealth, ambush potential, and mobility.

How can I effectively integrate Kitty into a team?

Kitty’s healing and utility make her a valuable support champion. Coordinate with teammates to maximize her impact.

What are the optimal item choices for Snake Yumi Sin?

Items like Prowler’s Claw, Essence Reaver, and Navori Quickblades enhance her damage and mobility.

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About the Author: Jason